Our Story

It all started with a problem.

We're 4 friends & caffeine addicts coming from different places. We met in college, and after hanging out together for a while, we realized we all faced the same problem - we were spending wayyy too much money on iced coffee.

For several years in college, we went to Starbucks on a daily basis before class to grab our well-needed caffeine boost - it was the only way to make it through the day.

However, we never realized how much money we were throwing in the trash until we experienced financial problems (typical broke college student struggle).

It was "normal" to spend $7 per day on our favorite drinks, and we never realized how much money we were spending - a $7 transaction per day didn't make that much of a difference in our bank account.

One afternoon, between 2 classes, we decided to do the maths. To our surprise, we discovered that we were spending a combined total of over $5000 on iced coffee per year! Ouch!

Despite our financial struggles, we couldn't quit drinking iced coffee. It was our favorite drink & little pleasure, and in all honesty, it was the only way we could make it through the day.

After that realization, we then tried to make it ourselves to save up some cash, but it came with a lot of problems...

  • Our normal coffee maker couldn't replicate the taste we were looking for, and always ended up watered-down when the ice melted;
  • Cold brew was a bit too strong, and the preparation drove us crazy. We often forgot to prepare it the day before, which made us skip days or having to go buy it at Starbucks anyway;
  • French press required way too much coffee grounds and was inconvenient to make;
  • Other methods? They're not even worth mentioning...

No matter the method, none were able to satisfy our taste buds. We literally spent hundreds of dollars trying different products that were not effective at all. We searched for countless hours on YouTube trying to find the perfect iced coffee maker, but we found nothing.

That's when we had the idea of creating a solution that would benefit every iced coffee lover that exists. We were convinced that if we had this problem, a lot of people were facing the same issue. This haunted us for weeks.

After graduating college, we decided to unite our forces and act on this problem. After many brainstorms and discussions, we came to the conclusion that we needed to create a product that would fix all the problems we had while trying to make iced coffee ourselves. 

One day, we had an idea: why don't we create our own iced coffee maker? Exactly like those hot coffee makers, but for iced coffees...

That was it.

We decided to take action on this idea and start our own business, Go Iced, with only one mission in mind: help people recreate their favorite iced coffee at home for less than a dollar without compromising the taste.

We sat and wrote down all the features the perfect iced coffee maker would need to have and started searching for engineers to help us with product development. After over a year of struggles, tests, and improvement regarding product design, taste, and development, we finally arrived at our final product, the Go Iced Classic™.

We worked on this project 24/7 for a whole year, and it's finally available to the public. We're now ready to help thousands of people like us save hundreds of dollars on their iced coffee habits.

Now, only one question stands: Are you ready to join us?